

YMCA Associate Membership is open to any person of good character, regardless of caste, creed or colour; anybody could join the YMCA fraternity and can unite his/her efforts for the goals of the Association;

A member can also participate in the Community Based Programmes like Ecology & Environment, Youth issues, Rural Development programmes, Women Empowerment programmes and Street Children Programmes. Through its various programmes and services, YMCA strives to enrich the lives of people in all respects. The purpose of the symbolized and universally accepted Emblem -the Red Triangle- which points towards body, mind and spirit which focses on the overall development of an Individual.

Categories of Membership

  • Life Membership -Rs.8,000/-
  • Married Couple Life Membership - Rs.10,000/-
  • General Membership - Rs.1,000 p.a. (to be renewed every year)
  • Student membership - Rs.500/- p.a. (to be renewed every year)

Become a Member

Are you interested to join YMCA? Please fill up the form below and we will get in touch with you.